Wednesday, September 30, 2009

News from DRC: Berea Bible School

Malcolm and Elizabeth Richards, CMS Missionaries in DRC, have provided the following update:

The Bible School term has started and we are back in the routine of teaching and crossing the river. A number of students have not yet arrived and we are concerned for one whose mother in law has had him illegally put in gaol over a fight about bride price. Another who went to visit her mother in Kisangani during the break has been stuck getting a boat for the return trip. Others have had pressure from family not to come at all. The rainy season here is just starting and people are busy planting rice and other crops. We are trying to hand over many of the administration tasks at the Bible School as well as some of our classes to new staff but this is a process that will take some time.

The course for wives of third year students has been changed this term to put more emphasis on learning Bible stories, under-standing what it means to be a Christian, and literacy. These women will in future be wives of pastors and put in positions of leadership in the church, we are concerned at their lack of Bible knowledge.