Thursday, June 18, 2009

Kenya - Centre for Urban Mission, Carlile College

Situated in one of the largest slums in Africa, the Centre for Urban Mission pioneers training in urban ministry to equip the church for mission in Nairobi. The Centre is a ministry of Carlile College and is currently training over 60 students in urban mission who will return as pastors and evangelists to work in areas of urban poverty.

OMF has been sponsoring a number of students since 2003.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

New Director Appointed

The Rev David Mansfield has been appointed as the new director. Starting May 11, David says heading up the Unit takes his passion for evangelism to a new level.

"I have a great love for global mission and a great passion for Africa .... and this was an opportunity to assist in the whole process of shifing first-world resources across to the third world for the sake of the gospel - I saw this as being fairly strategic so I wanted to be involved in it," he says.

"My role is to lift the profile of the Archbishop's Appeals Unit so that the Diocese can see the Archbishop's priorities to stand alongside our brothers and sisters in the developing world and in Sydney as they seek to reach their neighbours and communities for Christ." Mr Mansfield was an itinerant evangelist and director of the diocesan Department of Evangelism for 11 years and then was rector of York Street.